Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pyridium Kidney Stones Referred Pain From Kidney Stones?

Referred Pain From Kidney Stones? - pyridium kidney stones

My girlfriend was in severe pain for about a week and a half. The pain is initially as headache, backache and shoulder laid, and health in general feelings of fatigue and illness.
This was the severe pain and burning sensation when urinating and Brown urine.Also accompanying nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It was a clear, odorless effluent for 24 hours or less.
A doctor found traces of blood in the urine, and connected began Pyridium Loritab and the alleviation of pain associated with kidney stones.
The pain is in the right lower abdomen, and sometimes sharp and stabbing.
Tests showed the left kidney stones, but the pain is on the right side.
I fear that over Thiong happened here ... especially appendicitis. Your doctor seems to think that this is the simulation of anti-pain tablet is and to act in what I call a good time ... reschelduling treatment 10 days later.
This could be fatal if it ruptured appendix.
My question is, can the pain of kidney stones referred to the leftright? Or is there something more at stake?

Thank you in advance.


Laura said...

Do you have a fever? Had bilateral stones (stones) on both sides? CT followed in the left kidney? If you pass the stone? They are the stones that block too? In general, no, no pain on the right side, if you prevent gallstones that the river has left the urine. Are you sure there are no stones in the right? Problems with urination have decided? Do you have blood in the urine and pain during urination?

If the pain is intense, the worst pain I ever felt, back in the emergency room, period. Talk to a lawyer for the patient get another doctor to take a look. You need your own attorney, or if you do for them. Doctors must listen to their concerns, period.

One obstacle kidneys can also be deadly.

Please do not hesitate to email me if you want to talk more.

PS If you thought I might have kidney cancer, took a month to get results. Science moves slowly once retrieved.

Laura said...

Do you have a fever? Had bilateral stones (stones) on both sides? CT followed in the left kidney? If you pass the stone? They are the stones that block too? In general, no, no pain on the right side, if you prevent gallstones that the river has left the urine. Are you sure there are no stones in the right? Problems with urination have decided? Do you have blood in the urine and pain during urination?

If the pain is intense, the worst pain I ever felt, back in the emergency room, period. Talk to a lawyer for the patient get another doctor to take a look. You need your own attorney, or if you do for them. Doctors must listen to their concerns, period.

One obstacle kidneys can also be deadly.

Please do not hesitate to email me if you want to talk more.

PS If you thought I might have kidney cancer, took a month to get results. Science moves slowly once retrieved.

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