Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sore Stomach When Moving My Ribs And Upper Stomach Have Been Bothering Me They Get So Sore I Can Barely Move! Whats Wrong?

My ribs and upper stomach have been bothering me they get so sore i can barely move! Whats wrong? - sore stomach when moving

In the 15 years old, I will 16 in the next month. I do not drink or drugs. I am very healthy, but hurt the sides of the upper ribs and my stomach more than it hurts. I havent been dropped or anything, but I can not breathe and move a lot harder when they are sick. I do not know what is wrong can someone help me, please?


Only Fooling Myself =( said...

Problem could orrrrr infection galbladder muscle cramps. Cab went to the doctor for sure! Good luck!

Only Fooling Myself =( said...

Problem could orrrrr infection galbladder muscle cramps. Cab went to the doctor for sure! Good luck!

sharp417 said...

could be an inflamed rib cartilage. usually causes the pain of this situation is exacerbated by deep breathing yet. Try to rest for 20 minutes pass without doing something. If pain persists, try deep breathing, if it worsens, it is likely that this condition is due to (i have this condition is also known as costochrondritis). You can take some ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and pain in the region. and other weapons, including a lift anything heavy for a week, or any repetitive movement of arms.
Hope u feel better!

brooks said...

perhaps because they demand immediate acidification

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